Unlocking Your Rights: Understanding the Aussie Home Loans Insurance Class Action

In recent legal developments, Shine Lawyers has launched a class action on behalf of individuals who acquired a Mortgage Protection Plan or My Protection Plan policy with Aussie Home Loans Insurance on or after 28 February 2018. This significant development sheds light on critical issues surrounding the sale and representation of these insurance products, urging affected individuals to explore their options wisely.

Decoding the Allegations

The core allegations put forth by this class action are eye-opening and demand attention:
Value Assessment: It is contended that the Mortgage Protection Plan or My Protection Plan policies sold may have provided low or very limited value to the consumers who purchased them.
Broker Duties Breach: Aussie Home Loans brokers are accused of breaching their duties to their clients in several key aspects, including:
Failure to act in clients’ best interests.
Lack of prioritisation of clients’ interests over personal gains.
Provision of inappropriate advice.
Failure to disclose incomplete or inaccurate information.
Misleading Conduct: The class action alleges that Aussie Home Loan brokers engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct during the sale of these insurance products.
Eligibility for Participation
Individuals who acquired a Mortgage Protection Plan or My Protection Plan policy from Aussie Home Loans on or after 28 February 2018 may be eligible to participate in this class action to seek redress for any potential harm or losses experienced.
Comprehensive Policy Review
It’s important to note that Get My Refund conducts a thorough review not only of policies falling within the specified dates but also extends its analysis to policies outside of these dates. This comprehensive approach ensures that individuals receive the maximum compensation they are entitled to, regardless of when the policy was acquired.

How to Proceed

While class actions are an avenue, it’s important to note that they may not always be the most beneficial option for individuals seeking fair compensation. Opting for independent assistance, such as through services like Get My Refund, can potentially lead to significantly higher compensation than what may be achieved through class action settlements.

The Role of Get My Refund

Get My Refund specialises in maximising refunds for clients, often surpassing what can be obtained through class actions. With a proven track record of achieving higher the compensation clients would typically receive, our expertise and commitment are geared towards ensuring individuals receive the full compensation they deserve.


The Aussie Home Loans Insurance Class Action represents an opportunity for affected individuals to assert their rights and seek remedies. By staying informed, exploring all available avenues, and seeking expert assistance from entities like Get My Refund, individuals can navigate these legal complexities with confidence and secure the compensation they are rightfully owed.
Get My Refund will fight for every cent you're owed.

We specialise in reclaiming money for consumers by investigating your individual situation to get back what you are owed if you were mis-sold, even if you loan is still current or has been paid out already.

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