Financial Survivor Stories

Financial Survivor Stories

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Yes! We work with you to get you what you deserve. Oftentimes, you’ll be sold excess services and fees even though you’ll never need them. Simply share the details of your issue with us, and we’ll work to get you the refund you’re looking for. We perform many insurance refund services, including:

  • Car loan insurance
  • Consumer credit insurance
  • Credit card insurance
  • Gap insurance refund
  • Home loan insurance refund
  • Life insurance refund
  • Superannuation total permanent disability (TPD) insurance
  • Tyre and rim insurance
If you think you’ve been sold junk insurance, let us know and then follow four easy steps to get the insurance refund you deserve.
  1. Share your details with us — we can help with your loan contract(s) if you have trouble finding it.
  2. We’ll take a look at everything and give you a call to process your claim(s)
  3. We’ll submit the claim(s)

You get your insurance refund!

Junk insurance is difficult to detect by design. The best defence is one of prevention. When you’re presented with a contract, go through it slowly and meticulously. It may be a pain, but it’s worth it to avoid spending large sums of money without a clear purpose. Don’t be afraid to seek professional advice for this. Come to us if you have already signed a contract but think you may have been sold junk insurance.

It’s essentially any form of unnecessary add-on insurance policy that is practically useless to the person it was sold to. This can take many forms, often used as part of a scare tactic to trick customers into buying more than they need — organisations will often do what they can to avoid letting you know about insurance refunds.

This is a legal matter that involves a group of claimants filing a lawsuit against a party for compensation. You may be involved in one and not know it. This means that you may be bound to a court decision, regardless of your explicit involvement. To pursue your own class action refund, come to us — and we can also help opt you out of any ongoing class action lawsuits you may currently be involved in.

You may be entitled to a refund if you’ve been sold home loan insurance. Common reasons for obtaining a home loan insurance refund include the following:

  • You were not properly advised of the policy, and its terms and conditions
  • You were not eligible for the policy at the time of purchase 
  • You were not told that the policy is not mandatory for the loan

With Get My Refund, applying for a loan insurance refund is easy — we’re your experts in reclaiming money on mis-sold insurance. To get started, complete our online form. After analysing your application, we’ll submit your claim and then call you to finalise the details before issuing your refund.

You’re free to cancel home loan insurance at any time. To cancel your policy, you’ll need to contact your lender. If you feel that you were mis-sold the insurance policy and would like to get a refund on premiums you’ve already paid, get in touch with the team at Get My Refund — we’ll manage the process for you.

You can cancel your home loan insurance policy at any point during the term of the loan. At Get My Refund, we can help you get a refund on any amounts already paid on your policy — this applies to current and previous loans.

Yes. If you think you mis-sold home insurance, you can apply for a home loan insurance refund. There are numerous reasons for wanting to claim back previously paid insurance premiums, and at Get My Refund, we handle the entire refund process for you.